Title: Jar of Hearts
Size: 24x36
Date, Time, Place: February 10, 2012; 4:15pm; Bannack, MT
Camera, Mode, Aperture, Shutter Speed: Nikon D90; Manual; f/3.2; 1/250
I chose this image because of its simplicity. I love the way that the blue of the jar pops. The jar is also ideally located, following the rule of thirds. The faded and blurred window panel leads the eye back to the jar, without being disruptive. It helps with the flow of the image overall. The texture of the tablecloth is nearly invisible except where the shadow from jar falls. I think this is unique. I boosted the contrast in CameraRaw and decided to crop the curtain out of the left side of the frame. I felt that the contrast of the curtain to the brightness of the window was too distracting.